Latest NewsEmotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence has its roots in the concept of “social intelligence” which was first identified by E. L. Thorndike in 1920 (Ruisel, 1992). According to Ruisel, psychologists have been uncovering intelligences and grouping them mainly into three clusters or...
“Into every life a little rain must fall.” It’s not the “little” rain that causes me so much trouble. If all the challenges were small then remaining strong would be manageable. So let’s talk about the rain that is more than a “little” and could be classified as a...
Most people who know me, know that I love the game of chess. The game seems to be endless in its ability to challenge me. I have also discovered a great many life applications from the game. I began teaching chess in therapy to assist with impulse control, problem...
Dating is Like a Hog Auction
A few years ago when I was teaching at a local university I made a friend who went by the name of Sarge. He was quite a presence in and out of the classroom through both his personality and care for others. He was particularly troubled by how people are judged and...
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